Saturday, February 6, 2010

What Does The Color Wrist Bands Mean Wht Does Each Color Means For The Wrist Bands?

Wht does each color means for the wrist bands? - what does the color wrist bands mean

I Bracelets Aten that different colors ... r and I'm a girl and I have different things sexual color a girl could do to hear a man when he emerged from the wrist ...


Lauraphe... said...

These fine jelly bracelets, which are also known as a "sex bracelets" or "tapes" Teddy Bear "all different colors. The color of each sale is" representative "of a sexual act that would arise if the strap breaks.

There are several sites that tell you what each color orange (eg kiss represented), but many are contradictory. lists of what each color represents and alternative meanings.

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